Tuesday, March 31, 2009

chapter 4 crcb what is efficient reading

What is Efficient Reading?

In today's fast-paced information age, it is simply not good enough for anyone to be an OK reader. It is more important than ever to possess efficient reading skills.
Not just with paper-based reading, but with the Internet, Web pages, and e-mails, we are deluged with a greater quantity of information than ever before, and we need to process it quickly. With efficient skills, we can absorb more material in less time, increasing our productivity and effectiveness in all aspects of our lives.

Efficient readers not only read faster, but they also read with better comprehension. They read text in much the same way that most of us learn to identify objects in the world around us.
For example, when efficient readers come across the word "blue,” they don't repeat the word "blue" to themselves, nor do they actively think about the meaning. Instead, they visualize and understand the color much in the same way people do when they look at a blue sky. They don’t say "blue sky" then think about what that means, but instead they absorb the meaning immediately and effortlessly.
Reading is an enjoyable experience for efficient readers. It not only makes their life easier, but can actually be fun, as well. Students need to understand this, since it can motivate them to learn the techniques that will improve their knowledge and productivity.

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